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Prof. Jelena Helene Cvejić

Full Professor, Nutrition Specialist, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine - University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Prof. Jelena Helene Cvejić, nutrition specialist, is a full Professor at the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine - University of Novi Sad, Serbia, and a Director Translational Science and Clinical Research Hubs at Accelsiors CRO, with 20+ years of Academic experience and 12+ years of Clinical Research experience. She is a Scientific Advisor of ILSI Europe - Health Benefits Assessment of Foods task force and a Board Member of Pharmabiotics Research Institute (PRI). As well, prof. Cvejić is a Member of the Scientific Council of ELMO - European Lifestyle Medicine Organization and a Member of FENS WG2 - Working Group of Federation of European Nutrition Societies - 'Improving Standards in The Science of Nutrition'.

Her research interests emphasize the effects of nutrients on NCD development, clinical trials, and sustainable sources of nutritive and biologically active compounds. In addition, her research focus includes the inter-relation between lifestyle and overall psycho-physical health status. She is an entrepreneurial scientist striving to use scientifically based lifestyle interventions, including nutrition, physical activity, and stress management for a quality-of-life enhancement, involving the aspect of workplace-health. As a professionally licensed Sports Instructor - Yoga Specialist with 15 years of international yoga practice and 6+ years of yoga teaching involvement Prof. Cvejić combines her overall knowledge and experience in the development of a ‘Reset-Point’ concept - a health-promoting concept of lifestyle interventions easy to be included in everyday life.

She obtained a PhD in Chemistry and Specialization in Molecular and Supramolecular Organic Chemistry from ULP, Strasbourg I, France, as well as a Specialization in Nutrition from University J.J. Strossmayer, Croatia. She spent her sabbatical leave at the Universities of Wageningen (WUR, Human Nutrition Dpt.) and Utrecht (Pharmacology-Immunology Dpt.), the Netherlands. Prof. Cvejić is a co-author of more than 50 peer-review scientific publications and reviewer for more than 20 indexed scientific journals, also participating in international collaborations with different institutions such as Sorbonne University, Scientific Centre of Monaco, Wageningen University, University of Adger, etc. She is taking part in several EU HORIZON projects, related to the reduction of nutrition-related noncommunicable diseases as well as sustainable production and use of health-promoting nutrients. Her teaching involves the training of students in Master, Specialization and PhD programs.


Prof. Jelena Helene Cvejić

MSc in Lifestyle Medicine

Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, 

University of Thessaly

Karyes 42100, Trikala, Thessaly, Greece




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